• Padame Basil's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: <br />
    My name is Ariel (aka Basil). I wanna make my profile big, but I'll cut it down short. I'm 20-years old, and I wanna become an actress one day, and star in TV shows, movies, and provide voice-acting for cartoons and English-translated anime. I'm also writing a trilogy of books called The Soul Dwellers Trilogy, and I'll eventually post up a journal with more infomation on that. I love all sorts of music and things, and if you wanna ask me more about myself, please message me, and I'll get back to you on that. <br />
    -I also used to be known as FireSeekerBasil, until someone hacked into my profile, started being rude towards good people and sold my stuff, and on top of that, the hacker changed my pretty outfit!! <br />
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    I'm in a relationship, yet married at the same time to a loving, caring, sweet, and smexy husband. Despite that we're not legally married yet, we plan to be soon. I love him with all of my heart, soul, and everything. heart heart heart <br />
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    I'm also an Otherkin, in which, I was reincarinated from an faerie, and my element of that life, is fire. I like to reflect on the past in regards to my previous life, as well as the present, and the future. It's fasnicating to be in a human shell, yet the soul is completely alien, in which I'm technically an alien. I'm proud to be Otherkin, as well as a practitoner and believer of witchcraft, especially since I've been committed to the Occult and to Wicca/Paganism, since June 12, 2008. I disapprove of people falsely accussing witches and wizards under my religious beliefs and practices of being Satanists. <br />
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    I'm also straight, but also an supporter of the gay/straight alliance, for love is about love, not the gender. I'm also an lover of animals, and other things, here's a list of my favorite animals:<br />
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    heart Cats (including lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, etc)<br />
    heart Wolves<br />
    heart Penguins<br />
    heart Weasels<br />
    heart Rats <br />
    heart Sharks<br />
    heart Horses<br />
    heart Bats<br />
    heart Owls<br />
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    I'm also hooked on coffee, and especially an Starbucks coffee drinker. The only thing I don't like is when it's later at night, and unusually for my body, caffeine doesn't really effect me at night. <br />
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    Wanna know more about me? Don't be shy to ask. wink <br />
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