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Mostly my mind is all like Squeeeshna and has a Psychedelic sound to it. It's all like Blitzkrieg for peace and a turtle that isn't a turtle and he eats all the waffles. 10% the color is like a translucent net of stuff that blends into a portrait of Elvis and Pancho Villa arm wrestling that was done by Van Gogh. Also there's a lot of numbers and Asian babies running around.<br />
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I like to do stuff like play on the internet and make stuff up that is ridiculous. The internet is nothing but a serious of tubes. <br />
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MOTHCOCT was a nick name I was given by my cousin it is an acronym for <br />
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I think if it were a color it would be purple like a nice deep purple and have the savory juices of the pomegranate. <br />
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I'm on facebook alot <br />
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http://www.facebook.com/mothcotw<br />
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I wrote stuff nothing recent razz <br />
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http://www.writerscafe.org/MOTHCOTW<br />
I vlogged <br />
http://www.youtube.com/user/MOTHCOTW<br />
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Mostly I act like a fool which is odd I guess because I'm not really stupid. - Avg. rating:
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