• Ray Artemis Darkwolf's Gallery
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  • Artist Info:
    [ I. A.M R.A.Y. D.A.R.K.W.O.L.F]<br />
    <br />
    Name: Remus<br />
    A.K.A: Ray Artemis Darkwolf<br />
    Likes: Graphic Design | Art | Games | Animation | Sleep | Chicken | Laurell Hamilton Books |<br />
    Dislikes: Childish and Annoying People
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    Greetings, I am Ray, sometimes I am also called Wolf, or even Artemis now that my username has my character's middle name. I do not like being annoyed when I do something, my concentration really hates being disturbed. I am an artist, so to speak, at least, I try to be. I have my own art freebie thread called R.A.D Freebie Art ^_^ Stop by<br />
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    Currently I am in College, being a total loser by working so hard and sticking my head in front of the PC, ignoring everyone else around me. Then again, I am not a social person in real life, I prefer typing everything online. Its much safer for me since, people don't know me.<br />
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    My old account was banned sad to say, I miss my normal Ray Darkwolf name, but alas, gaia became a pain. Then again, I like this account now. I met new awesome friends especially in zOMG.<br />
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