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  • Artist Info: Hello all. <br />
    Before I say anything about myself I should warn whoever is reading this that I have a weird sense of humor and, in general, I am a really big dork. If you like really big dorks then continue on, but if you don't I'm going to have to ask you to hit the little arrow that leads you back to the page you were at before. BUT BEFORE YOU DO THIS, don't actually hit it! That poor little arrow! No, by hit I mean gently click --with your mouse-- onto the little arrow. There you go. Found it...? Well good bye!<br />
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    For those who have decided to continue reading, I thank you very much! Yes, as you can probably tell by now, I am a little bit of an odd ball... but I don't mind. I have many weird facts about myself that make Alexandra, Alexandra! Oh, in case you haven't figured out my name is Alexandra (Note: the above sentence). I won't tell you my last name, but you can guess if you'd like...? Whatever suits your fancy! I guess I can tell you my middle names though: Julia, Natasha. Yes... I do have TWO middle names. Does that make me any cooler? Not particularly. <br />
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    Now I am going to tell you some random facts about myself. If you don't want to read them then I suggest you move your little cursor and click on the little down arrow at the right side of this text box. Bye, bye for now!<br />
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    .... Well since they are gone now. I can tell the people who REALLY care about me, a few facts! Here goes:<br />
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    -I eat tomatoes like apples. Don't judge me, they are d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!<br />
    -I am extremely involved in theatre!<br />
    -I have trouble sleeping when I am not listening to a favorite movie.<br />
    -I'm a weeeee bit scared of the dark.<br />
    -Sushi is a favourite of mine!<br />
    -I love reading. I literally DEVOUR books > smile <br />
    -I love the smell of exhaust from a car (That... is slightly dangerous... isn't it?)<br />
    -Shakespeare is my idol.<br />
    -I have very weird taste in music (I am extremely music-oriented. Singing, piano and Guitar are a good way for me to express that).<br />
    AAAAND..<br />
    -I have this uber awesome spot in the color of my hazel eyes. It is this random brown spot and if you tilt your head to the side it looks like a heart. NO JOKE! ♥<br />
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    Well.... WELCOME BACK to the people who scrolled down and skipped the unimportant facts about me. Trust me, you didn't miss much. <br />
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    Hmm... what should we talk about now...? I guess there isn't much exciting about me. I guess I can tell you that at the moment I am seventeen (That means I'm almost legal ;] ) and that I will be turning eighteen in November on the third. I can also tell you that I am very mature --and immature-- for my age. Depending on how I feel that day. How I feel...? Right, well... I have very confusing emotions. <br />
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    Well, I guess this is goodbye for now. I hope that you enjoyed my little typed rant on how KattsuupGoesOnFries ticks. If not, well.... err... apologies.<br />
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    Less than three...<br />
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