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  • Artist Info: Special Announcement!!!<br />
    Kiriux has gained this account back. But, in order to avoid confusion and conflict, I will be using Queen Kiriux as my primary account. If you need to PM me, do it there, please. I'm not even sure how often I'll be using this one anymore, so please keep in mind that Queen Kiriux is my new one. Thanks.
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    Special Thanks Goes To:<br />
    <br />
    Repun_Von_Zel for donating Clown Nose.<br />
    Spammasterjay for donating Pirate Eye Patch.<br />
    Wicha Mwr for donating a lovely flower bouquet and artwork!<br />
    The Leader Of Akatsuki for a lovely Egyptian Gold Bracelet.<br />
    Dooleysdacrazy for artwork!<br />
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    Now, onto those details you really wanted to know about Kiriux.<br />
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    Hey, the name's Kiriux. Pronounced "cure-E-you-X" or "cure-E-yooks." I wanted to be Kiriu, but the name is already taken, and I guess I just felt like adding an x to the end as a homage to my old username xxMiepxx.<br />
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    Feel free to call me any version of Kiriux you can come up with. Kiri or Kir are fine. Apparently Kir is a very cute bird from an anime. :3<br />
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    Anyways, I'm an aspiring artist. I'm in college. Okay, okay, I just started it. I'm 19.<br />
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    I'm your average teenager, I guess. I'm full of sarcasm and fan-girling, and all of those things that annoy people. I can be a bitch, and I am, most of the time. Don't take offense. It's just the way I am. <br />
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    I like everyone to use correct grammar and English. Don't 1337 5p34k. Don't use "r" or "u" or any of those other "Text Talks." It drives me crazy. And then I get angry. And then you'll have to deal with my wrath.<br />
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    I'm online nearly every day. I check my email, livejournal, gaia mail, and bebo EVERY DAY. So if you need to get a hold of me, the Internet is the place to do it.<br />
    <br />
    Contact Information:<br />
    kiriux@yahoo.com//Livejournal//Bebo//Kingdom Of Loathing<br />
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    Lots of love,<br />
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