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  • Artist Info: Nickname: Solfege<br />
    -You don't need to know much about me-<br />
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    -let your imagination run wild, just think whatever kind of person I am-<br />
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    Music is my oxygen/Rides-Horses./ hmm..still thinking.../Designs/Plucks the music from the harp <3 /occasionally practices piano @_@/occasionally cooking/Writes<br />
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    I quite like doing personality quizzes sometimes if i'm ever bothered.
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    Quiz results says I'm:...You like people, but you're careful about who you get close to. Friendship is important to you... so important that you aren't just friends with anyone<br />
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    You don't fall in love easily. It takes you a long time to get used to someone. Intimacy doesn't come easily for you.<br />
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    You are a deep and contemplative person. You are as passionate as everyone else, but your passion is not always apparent.<br />
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    Your sense of humor is very physical. Your facial expressions or spot on imitations of people are hilarious.<br />
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    Quiz: What my bed says about me.<br />
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    Outward appearances aren't important to you at all. You think that the over emphasis on looks to be shallow.<br />
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    Your life tends to be completely chaotic. You aren't a very organized person, and you tend to be slow in cleaning up messes.<br />
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    You are very high maintenance. You like everything a certain way, and you're grumpy if things aren't the way you like them.<br />
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    In relationships, you tend to kick back and let the other person be in charge.<br />
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    You tend to be a down to earth, practical person. You think in terms of what is actual.<br />
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    You are a bit of a homebody, but you can also make yourself at home anywhere.
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    Sorry guys D8, I'm really busy these days now, and its been a month since I've come back on to write this V_V;;<br />
    But, I'll try to get my things done ><...Its unlikely that my leisure time will free up, but I'll try to get on as much as possible!
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