• Finnion Silvers's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: User Image <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    User Image<br />
    Pixel by Pomshu. heart <br />
    <br />
    Hallo❕<br />
    <br />
    Yes. Welcome to my profile, it's tacky. :shrug:<br />
    <br />
    🦈 I am a mediocre artist.<br />
    🦈 Vik / Canadaland / Female / Twenty-Something<br />
    🦈 I role play on tumblr and have too many blogs there. rofl <br />
    🦈 I like sharks.<br />
    🦈 This account is new but I am old hat to Gaia. <br />
    🦈 This account is technically based on an ASOIAF OC of mine. <br />
    🦈 In a constant quest to beat down my wishlist.<br />
    🦈 << Art by Nahaleina, color by me, my OC, no takey. <br />
    🦈 I like Star Wars & ASOIAF<br />
    🦈 Thanks Ghost of the haunted coast!<br />
    <br />
    Thanks for dropping by❕
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