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  • Artist Info: Well... my real name is not important, xp you may call me BA, or Angel and I'm portuguese (so, sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes that I might make sweatdrop ).<br />
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    I'm currently 20 years old and I study at the local University. My course (or dregree if you wish) is Network and Multimedia. <br />
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    My dream is to one day become a psychologist, but that may not even happen.<br />
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    I love drawing and I haven't decided on a drawing style, so you may end up seeing several styles of my art; this happens because I haven't really decided which style works better for me.<br />
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    I also like playing acustic guitar, photografing, reading, listening to music, watch anime, watch movies and lots of other stuff.<br />
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    I love mythical creatures. I am infatuated with vampires. I love the thought of creatures roaming the night with an incredidle sexy aura around them. I adore the mistery that they possess and that they symbol.<br />
    I couldn't care less if you dislike them; I love them and everything around them and that's all that matters to me.<br />
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    I also like gory/scary movies/games/anime but that doesn't mean that I go killing people. <br />
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    I dislike pain and loneliness even though I face it every day. I do not believe in self inflicted pain because I think that life itself already gives you enough pain for you to handle. <br />
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    My favorite band is Metallica. I can't say that I'm obsessed with them because I'm not like that to anything, but they are by far, in my oppinion at least, the best band. <br />
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    I mostly listen to hard rock, metal, heavy/death metal, rock, etc, but depending on my mood I end up listening to almost every kind of music. <br />
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    I have a low tolerance to hip hop and R&B. <br />
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    Music is my medicine; I can't live without it.<br />
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    I'm usually a friendly person and get along with mostly anyone, but there are times that I can behave like a complete b*tch. <br />
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    In person I'm usually extremelly shy untill I feel very comfortable with a person; after that happens I'm usually always joking around.<br />
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    I'm usually labeled as a goth/emo/punk and I have no idea if they are right or not; but they probably are.<br />
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    I love the colour black; its my passion. I also like the colours red and purple. <br />
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    I like piercings, tattoo's, chokers, studded belts, bondage pants, street bikes, fast cars, tunning and adreneline.<br />
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    Just because I adore vampires and dark stuff doesn't mean that I am a satanist not anything of that kind. I do not consider myself christian either, even though I was raised as one. I lost all my faith when my dad died, but that doesn't mean I go seeking revenge or what ever in other cults.<br />
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    I respect people with different believes then me as long as they don't have a one track mind and wish to convert me into their religion. <br />
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    I highly dislike homofobic people. I am not a homosexual but I support homosexual rights. <br />
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    Also, I am a hopeless romantic. Even though everything points towards the opposite I belive that true love still exists. I believe that soul mates exist and that everyone has their own soul mate.<br />
    I believe that beauty is more then what you look on the outside. <br />
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    Another thing for you to know is that I don't organize my thoughts so I may sound/be random most of the time. Also, I can never think/say the same thing in the exact same way; this has caused many laughs and groans in my group works.<br />
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    More will be added as I think of it OR as people ask me things.
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