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  • Artist Info: What year, what a life. This endless, constant strife. The journey, struggle to self perfection. Is no joke, nor mere confection. This, amongst other little pieces, guide me in my path to live and to love myself and others. I am flexible on certain matters, but when it comes to other things I shall not bend or break. A few of those things I cannot stand are gossip, giving up, and avarice. And I always stand for monogamy and will always be pro-life. If you don't know what that is, your loss.<br />
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    I've gone through a lot of changes since I left Canada in October. For one, I stand behind christian beliefs. I had never forgotten the values I was taught in my youth, nor will I ever. But I had struck out on my own spiritual path. It may have been a mistake, but it was necessary for me to discover and perfect every aspect of myself. This is still my goal, and I will persevere. The trials I faced make me more able to help others and give me a better understanding of what it is to love and protect someone.<br />
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    I won't lie, I have a different view of the world. I've got my cynist views on some things, and optimistic views of others. There are some topics I know of that I haven't even touched yet, due to either lack of interest or time. This different worldview, my brutal honesty and my willingness to help make others consider me to be "creepy" and "different". And I don't blame them; it's a rare day to find someone who is completely honest with their opinions and beliefs, and damn the consequesnces if someone finds out. It's rarer still to find someone with a charitable sprit when they have problems of their own. But I find peace in service, my problems disappear when I am helping my fellow men and women.<br />
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    These past few months, I've noticed that a lot of gals like me. Possibly even more than I realize. I guess that has something to do with my willingness to alleviate sorrow and help others on the path of self discovery. As one of them says, I am like Nepenthe, the oblivion of grief.<br />
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    But enough philosophy. Time for the fun stuff. I LOVE ANIME. No, I'm not a weaboo, just like the culture and the way they animate as opposed to western animation. I'm definitely more into fantasy than anything else, especially those with an edgy tone and some philosophy. My two favorite book series right now are the Inheritance saga by Christopher Paolini (November 8th, book 4!) and the Drizzt Do'Urden tales by R.A. Salvatore. My fave animes are Bleach, SGT FROG, and Ruroini Kenshin. Fave mangas right now:Nightmare Inspector and Kekkaishi. As for TV, I don't watch it. Movies? Right now my favorite is MirrorMask. It saddens me that Jim Henson didn't leave room for a sequel, cause I would to see that dreamscape again.<br />
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    I'm also a roleplayer here on gaia. Semi to Advanced lit. I do accept 1x1 requests and am pretty much up for any type of roleplay. Anything to keep my vocabulary and my creative mind expanding<br />
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    If you take the time to actually get to know me and get past my exterior and how different I am from everyone else, you will find that I'm actually quite interesting. Enjoy your stay within my thoughts, my friends.
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