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  • Artist Info: Hola i'm rachelle,<br />
    to put this simply i like many things.<br />
    mostly pokemon XD<br />
    so yea <br />
    see ya<br />
    This is who i am:<br />
    You're Yin<br />
    <br />
    Yin and yang are complementary opposites within a greater whole- but you're the dark element: You are passive, dark, feminine, downward-seeking, and corresponding to the night.Not to mention you don't mind staring face to face with death(im Yin too!!)<br />
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    Lightning<br />
    You come and you go. You don't mind if people don't like you, it won't change who you are. You come off strong and aggressive. You are quick-witted and love to be right. You are a strong and independent.<br />
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    Tiger<br />
    Your a tiger!! congrats!! Your not afraid to stand up for what is right, or to stand up the people who annoy you! But don't be afraid to listen to some people's opinions so that you can reach a better understanding of people.<br />
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    Unicorn<br />
    You are majestic, care about the envoirment. You also are a leader<br />
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    i was thi person in a past life:<br />
    <br />
    Marc Antony<br />
    Marc Antony was brave and bold, and a very good soldier. However, he was easily distracted from his duty, and rather indecisive. You probably value loyalty, but prefer to leave intricacies and details to others. You love to have fun, and when there's a party, forget responsibilities! You're there!<br />
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