• Overused_Luck_Charm's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Hello all... I am the individual known as Overused_Luck_Charm, but you can call me Geoff if you want. I love people who leave random comments on my profile, and it will be greatly appreciated if you do so. I enjoy musical theatre.... (don't worry ladies I'm not gay)... And have actually acted in a ton of shows at my community theatre. I have a bunch o' friends and like to roam around town dressed like ninjas, jumping off o' stuff. I like pie, I enjoy the consumption of almost all solid and liquid forms of pie. I also like you, for actually reading through this increasingly boring section of my profile. You should actually be looking at all the wonderful pretty colors and seizure-inducing flashy lights, but you're not the droll cattle of society are you? No! You are special! You were magnetically drawn to my profile like a moth to the flame, like a hobo to a ham sandwich, like crazy to Angelina Jolie. So talk to me and we shall have tremendous loads of fun together in our super happy massive fun land of FUN!!!
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