- ~`Wolf_Mage`~'s Gallery
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Artist Info:
CLICKTHIS biggrin <br />
<br />
Welcome~ I am Wolfie Annaliesia Louisa Sheska Boshnapa Bapa bo beska the third, but you can call me Wolfie, Sunshine, Ann/annie, Lulu, but, call me lynnie and you die! :3 well welcome to my profile, i'm officially 21. Mess with my friends and you mess with me and that won't be pretty, guarenteed! My fave colors are black, purple, and silver. I think food is awesome, and should be loved =P . I do love anime but I'm not obsessed, it is not the ruler of life. I love to draw , role play and write stories. Apparently i find myself with this weird depression complex idk maybe i was just born to be bi-polar. I love to be kind to people and show them a second chance.. I don't try to be anything other than what i've been trying to be lately (just kidding). I actually just want to be myself, and honestly that's all I am. I am indescribable to myself. People call me adorable but eh whatever! Haha, you have problems? Come to me i'll be more than glad to help you or just keep it a secret.<br />
<br />
I just want to stop feeling...like this...<br />
<br />
Dreams: :3<br /><br />
Total Value: 370,102,307 Gold<br />
After Exclusions: 19,976,611 Gold<br />
Stuff i want<br />
[Item Information]<br />
<br />
Item List:<br />
Angelic Halo<br />
Aquatica<br />
Elegant Veil<br />
Gift of the Gods<br />
Guitar of Angellus<br />
Masterpieces<br />
Oculus Magica<br />
Summoning Tome<br />
Solar Headdress<br />
Superior Form<br />
AFK<br />
Baby Seal Slippers<br />
Angelic Sash<br />
Staff of the Angels<br />
KiKi Kitty Plushie<br />
^old dream<br />
<br />
<br />
CURRENT DREAM...please help? i will do art for you!<br /><br />
Likes:<br />
NINJA TURTLES (THE ORIGINALS!!!<3) heck yes!<br />
Jokes<br />
Poetry<br />
Anime<br />
Manga<br />
Love<br />
Cool sayings<br />
Avi ART <3<3<3<3<3<br />
Puns OH YES THE PUNNAGE! (corny puns are punnerific ;D )(PUN!)<br />
art in general<br />
Reading<br />
adorableness<br />
Music <3<3<3 <--- thas my life right there.<br />
Friends<3<3<3<--- thas my other life right there<br />
<br />
Foods: Macaroni, Avocado! biggrin , Ranch<br />
<br />
People: people who aren't ignorant ^-^, friendly people,crazy insane people<br />
<br />
<br />
Dislikes:<br />
BIRDS (bird-a-phob)<br />
Assholes<br />
Ignorant people<br />
People<br />
the smell of fish<br />
If you speak and every or every other word is totally wrecked and barely understandable x-x i will not tolerate!<br />
HACKERS >O<br />
crappy anime that really shouldn't be considered anime<br />
being copied, unless it's in a fun playful mood, but i really hate when people copy me or copy my format of style or such.<br />
and more i just like to focus on the good stuff though biggrin <br />
<br />
Special shout outs: <br />
To Onltmeread or how ever you spell that damned username >:O : KareBear you rock~ you dont just rock you like totally roll too! Haha, thanks for being my friend and even though i don't talk to you as much as i'd like you're fucking awesome. Keep on the rocking (and the rolling too, otherwise how will you move on? D:< )<br />
<br />
Skye: OKAY SENOR SKY! .....honestly i sometimes think i'm too intense for you lol but you always make me feel like it's okay for me to just be me, despite awkward tension and quiet moments when you don't respond. Even if i'm completely out of wack you manage to make it feel like it's just something natural and okay in the world. Thank you for your earthly presence and you're ever long lasting friendship, care, courage, and love. <3<br />
<br />
To Dimas: Right now i can't even explain the amount of awesomeness you put into my life. You make me laugh uncontrollably and i'm so glad to have you as a best friend. As long as you're by my side i know i'll be okay, if you go away well....there's going to be some serious damage on the world. Lol. thanks so much, for everything <3<br />
<br />
Avi Art ;D oh so sexy~( YOU SHOULD DRAW ME SUM NAO >=T )<br />
<br /><br />
by sisi ( A e r i s D i e d ) biggrin i luvses you!!!<br />
biggrin RANDOMNESS!! <3<3<br />
- Avg. rating:
- 2 Fans
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