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  • Artist Info: Hey I'm Kelsey! You could probably say I'm your average college freshman. But you could also say that I'm about the awesomest person you've ever met. I love to laugh (who doesnt?). sugar, unicorns, DDR, manga, and friends. Without any of the above, I WILL evantually die. My enjoyments include listening to too much music for my own good, sleeping for long hours, surfing the net, playing pokemon on my gameboy, and confusing people beyond beleif. My interests vary from day to day. I hate loud noises/voices, headaches, people who read over my shoulder constantly, backseat surfers, footwashers, and recent Disney productions. I name inanimate objects (ie. my computers name is Kenny) so if I start rambling on about something like how whenever I turn Kenny on, all he ever wants to do is go watch a certain something, I don't mean what you think I mean. When I talk, I tend to not to even understand half of what I'm saying (so don't worry, it's not just you) and I also tend to talk on and on about the first thing that comes to mind, much like this bio thing right here. I forget alot of random stuff and I have random epiphanies regarding the things I forget. I have alot of inside jokes that not many people will ever get even if I explain at great detail about the story behind it (ie. ペットをかう, 2042, and frumple). I have a fear of heights, germs, and Gena (mainly Gena though). I also tend to fandom over many different things for long periods of time, so if I get on your nerves about whatever my current fandom is, try to smile and pretend to listen, it makes me feel better inside (my current obsession is Axis Powers Hetalia and I just got out of my Yu-Gi-Oh fandom, and I've been fandoming over Higurashi for 3 years now OTL). I have a feeling I am telling random strangers too much "about me" so I will take my leave now and leave you to decide what you think of me as. For being so patient with me and my rant, I award thee icons from the very depths of that-which-should-not-be-named (in other words I shamelessly stole these off peoples livejournal accounts and I'm too lazy to give them credit):<br />
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