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  • Artist Info: Hello.<br />
    My name is Cozy.<br />
    Unfortunately, that's all I can tell you. Not because I feel scared or anything, but that's just the way one of my favorite book series from when I was child always opened up its books. So that is all I can tell you.<br />
    However, that really is my first name. My Namesake is a drummer from the eighties and nineties named Cozy Powell. He's an amazing drummer. <br />
    I speak my mind about ANYTHING, whether it be psychological disorders to "does this dress make me look fat" kind of questions.<br />
    I am a very open person so ask whatever you want....<br />
    I'm probably just one of probably twenty Hawaiians in Michigan (that's right! I found others!). Always just chillin', tryin' to crack jokes (whether or not they appeal to the people is an entirely different thing), just being myself. Sure, most people probably would objectify the way I act, but I'm not them. Most of my friends are probably very embarresed to even be near me, but oh well, I'm stuck with them now...or should it be the other way around...? I'm quite intelligent and intelectual, although most people would disagree, but my mind is as the graceful swan in that on top its very open, but underneath is concealed a torrent of fury.
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