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  • Artist Info: Ummm....about me. Important things about me that you'll need to know if you ever umm...need to know me? I don't know! Well, things about me.<br />
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    1. I am short. I know. Small. But I prefer petite. Firstly cos it's French, and secondly cos it sounds cooler.<br />
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    2. I am obsessed with French. Je voulais apprendre le français depuis plusieurs années, et maintenant, je peux l’utiliser, et je l’aime bien! La langue est vraiment belle!! Accept my obsession, and move on.<br />
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    3. I love to paint. I may not be that great, but I'm good enough to really enjoy it. There's a pic of a still life I painted on this page!! With the table with the red cloth over it, and the blue jug... And I managed to paint a vine to go on my wall, and it looks sooo magical! And a whole load of other stuff, but the vine is the best. It goes all round two sides of my wall, and looks like it comes from a fairytale, which makes me very happy!<br />
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    4. I like Disney movies. I don't want to grow up, ok? Life is making me grow up enough, so I dont' like to watch horrible little movies on how dreadful life is. Except for Batman. Batman should rule. And he WAS the first lone sentinel I actually saw...<br />
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    5. I like lists. Hence this list. I always try to make lists, but I never seem to be able to get over 2 things to put on them. This is a first! Although, I am getting away from the important things about me, and just having fun typing random things.<br />
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    6. I have a mortal fear of being strangled. I don't know why, and I know it's strange. But I do. This means I can't wear high necked shirts, or have people hug me in a way that may threaten my mental well being. Oh dear. I sound like a mental case.<br />
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    7. I'm having fun writing this list. But I should probably stop, cos if I keep going, it's going to end up being so irrelevant, and chances are, no-one's actually going to read this. If you have gotten this far, I congratulate you. And leave a comment saying you've actually read it, cos I'm curious to know who's actually going to read this. Merci! The end!
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