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    PROFILE of HOPEASUSI84<br />
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    Name: Hopeasusi84, for you gaians, and something completely different for-- ...well, only couple of people. Literal translation to "hopeasusi" is silverwolf (hopea = silver, susi = wolf), and the "84" naturally is my birthyear.<br />
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    Gender: Last time I checked; female. *checks again* Yup, female. sweatdrop <br />
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    Age: Changes every year at 12th of October, so it's easier to just count it yourself.<br />
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    Birthplace: Europe, better side of the Arctic Circle (the northern side, but this is, of course, only my opinion).<br />
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    Race: Human, against all my efforts. Someday, though, I'll get one of them hairy buggers to bite me and switch to a werewolf.<br />
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    Hobbies: Writing and reading, doing nothing in the internet, drawing and (tad-da-da-daa) playing RPGs! I also suffer from a severe Playstation-related apathy.<br />
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    Likes: Being slightly nerdy, taking showers in complete darkness, wandering around in rainy nights, werewolves, horror, fantasy and pretty much all that follows. I love the old Biker Mice From Mars - tv-series, but I hate the "updated" -verion of it! *growls*<br />
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    Dislikes: Smoking, alcohol (I'm sort of scared of drunken people), self-centered people who completely lack any sense of common empathy, individuals who won't even hear your side of the story and finally the overly exaggerating know-it-all types. <br />
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    Pets: One halfbreed doggygirl called Kami, and four devious boygerbils named; Papu (bean), Tapla (spot), Wazzaa and Poop Daddy.<br />
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    Random Emo Pet: Tatti (named mostly after my cousin, even if his name is similar to a certain li'l angel) Play with him! Feed him! ...even if he really doesn't appreciate it.<br />
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    Fun fact: Even though I'm not nearly as girly as I should, I'm scared of little creepy crawlies (and part of me is very proud of it ["I'm a real girl!"]). I simply hate spiders. <br />
    I also have a habit to panic when somebody approaches me with a real-life-hug. Online hugs, them I can handle.<br />
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    Personality: I'm very, very shy, so people often mistake me for being more quiet and calm than I really am. I tend to have pretty quick temper once you get to know me, but I usually calm down fast. I smile easily and love to smile, but getting me to cry is a totally different thing. I don't cry, period. ...unless I watch something nostalgic.<br />
    My sense off humor is sarcastic, and has made me some enemies in the past, which makes me very sad, since I usually mean no harm. If I mean to hurt someone verbally, I never use sarcasm, I just say it to their faces and stare at them in the eyes.<br />
    I'm also a very romantic type of a person who likes to believe that there is such thing as true love, even if everything sometimes points to the opposite.<br />
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    Moral principles: I might be naiive, but I really think that we exist for other people. I just do. <br />
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    Yup, I got myself addicted to ponystars.<br />
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