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              Hey folks. The username's swedishsk8ter, but you can call me Swede or Ichigo (my most common nicknames). I run a large graphics shop in the Minishops forum as well as a huge petition to clean up the Chatterbox (which is kinda on hiatus right now). I like to lurk in Site Feedback and my shop. I love art, scarves, figure skating (as the name implies), chocolate, reading, and working with computers. <br />
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              For clarification, I am not from Sweden. Swedish blood runs through my veins (along with a few other strains of nationalities), but I am from America. And no, I don't speak Swedish, though I hope to learn in the future. ;P<br />
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              Please refrain from sending me requests to be my friend. I only befriend Gaians with whom I have become well-acquainted. If you want to get to know me a bit better, just swing by my shop and chat with me for a while. I promise you that the various people that inhabit my shop will neither bombard you with grapefruits nor try to eat your brain (unless you've done something to deserve either fate).<br />
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              Since you're here, why not leave me a comment and tell me what you think of my profile layout? I've worked terribly hard on it, and I'd love some feedback on my work. This is my first completely customized profile, and I am absolutely thrilled with how it came out. I tried to make it compatible with both Firefox and IE, which was a challenge, but it was definitely worth it. Try checking it out in both browsers!<br />
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              Really like my profile?<br />
              Go ahead and patch me!<br />
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              [url=http://tinyurl.com/26qgqe]<br />
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              Profile graphics and cursor (c) swedishsk8ter. Steal and face my fairy fiery wrath. O:<<br />
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