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    Hello... I'm Amanda. Though I doubt anyone will ever read this, I thought I would go ahead and finally fill this out lol. This avi is a mule, but while I'm on here, it will be in attempt to save some gold. I'm way too tempted to spend it when I have it! <br />
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    Anyways, nineteen years old, and I live in the suburbs of Chicago. I live with my parents and my cat, Neptune, and dog, Autumn. I've finished my first year of college already, and I did okay. Damn required math is bringing down my morale though. I need to take it for a third time because I need a "C" or better... <br />
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    I don't watch much TV. My mother will argue with me on that because I have the TV on all the time, but it's just for noise filler. When I do watch TV though, I watch stuff like Psychic Detectives, Forensic Files, Cities of the Underground, Cops, You are what you eat, and Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares. I like pretty much anything on Discovery Channel, History Channel, Court TV, and BBC. House MD is my favorite show though, but I couldn't watch it during the season because of my school schedule. I just have to hope my parents will get me the season on DVD for my birthday. <br />
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    I'm a writer... well, I'm always attempting to write books. I have commitment issues and I get bored easily with my ideas. Fantasy is my genre of choice, but I've dabbled in science fiction and horror as well. If anyone would be interested in being a beta reader, feel free to message me. <br />
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    I work at Lifetime Fitness. I'm front desk/member services and I also sub. in operations. I'm just a minimum wage slave, and I've only had one check over $500 because I clocked an ass load of overtime when I was trying to stay out of my house when I was fighting with my mom. I usually work five or six days, but I'm only scheduled to work four. I love the people I work with though, and I love my job. ^_^<br />
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    Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask!
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