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  • Artist Info: Why hello. Please read the following before attempting to operate.<br />
    1. Name: <br />
    I'm not a big fan of giving it out.<br />
    2. Age: <br />
    20.<br />
    3. Place of Living: <br />
    California. You know, the place that will soon be floating off on it's own. Also, it gets quite hot. Like an oven minus the oven.<br />
    4. Favorite music group: <br />
    I don't really have one. I just listen to remixes of some video game music, and whatever else appeals to me. A good example is "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny" by Lemon Demon.<br />
    5. Future dreams: <br />
    To become the very best. Like no one ever was.<br />
    6. Current Reads:<br />
    Nothing at the moment.<br />
    7. Misc. Things: <br />
    Well, I live in a random city called Poway. I have a swimming pool, which is quite nice, as well as a horse and a half. He's actually a miniature pony type item, but I classify him as a half a horse for good fun. <br />
    <br />
    I classify myself as a comic book nerd/computer geek/gamer or a comiputmer. Ugh, say that five times fast. No really, say it. It sounds like something a bird would say.<br />
    <br />
    Well, in the end i'm pretty much a randomly quiet guy in public, but when i'm with my friends i turn into a randomosaurus. It's actually really fun to record as a video and watch later. Massive headpalm moments typically ensue. <br />
    <br />
    Ha. There you have it: me in 9 paragraphs. I think. 10 if you count this little blurbage. Huh. Anyway, that's just the tip of the iceberg, and if you want to go overboard, just send me a PM and i'll be all like "O... kay..." Also, Dragon Age. Love those games. Yesssss.
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