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  • Artist Info: Hello, people. Some of you may be wondering why I have "WingedDemonVM" as my username. If you look at my sig, you see that "VM" stands for "Volvagia's Master," which was the first username I ever had on a forum. <br />
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    Now, on to a bit about myself. I am currently a junior in college, majoring in Biology and minoring in Theatre. My future goals include becoming a marine biologist, studying sharks and/or cnidarians, and playing the role of Christine Daae in the musical "The Phantom of the Opera." <br />
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    My interests include role-playing, reading, writing fan fictions, horseback riding, anime, nature, sharks, jellyfish, biology, theatre, singing, piano, surfing the net, acting like an idiot, annoying my older brother, sleeping, spinach ravioli, sushi, ramen, being nice to some people, procrastinating, video games, colorguard, and anything involving swords. <br />
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    If you have any questions about any of the various quotation I have floating around my profile, feel free to PM me and ask. Most of them have interesting stories behind them.<br />
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    Thank you.
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