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  • Artist Info: ~~~~~~~~~~~~I GOT A HOT GIRL FRIEND~~~~~~~~~~<br />
    My name is Nathan.<br />
    My hobbys are :gaia ,watching sunsets, looking at stars, reading , rping, talking,taking pictures of clouds, and running.<br />
    Thing that are important to me are:My kitkat,my cuzins, my friends, my books/mangas.<br />
    My colors are: black and red.<br />
    My moments are when: I'm a cluzt, when I can't spell,start to flirt,when I show my girly side,and when I watch anime, or when i read manga.<br />
    Things I hate are: Really dumb people, stupid funny, posers/ haters,uber noobs,cheese.<br />
    Things I look for in a person to be my friend or girl friend: A good heart, caring, loving, and we have a lot of things in common,and a people person,lovable.<br />
    <br />
    Its been a while Guys. How are yall?
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