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    Welcome! biggrin <br />
    (I AM QUEEN COCO!!! -thanks to Twilight Cat 137)<br />
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    Here are some neat things about some friends smile ...<br />
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    Next is my BFFFFFFFFFFF CLOUD GIRL MINKA!!! -crowd cheers- Yayyy minka! I met her while roleplaying and since then we've been role playing together in almost half of the ones im in. <br />
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    Amazing you say? why yes we is! <br />
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    She is hilarious and needless to say I love the chick! so I repeat you mess with her I KILL YOU 20 TIMES OVER!! <br />
    -rip off your limbs slowly starting with fingers and toes <br />
    - make you eat each after I rip them off<br />
    -chop the larder pieces into smaller squares while its still attached to you<br />
    -make you eat them wink <br />
    -Chinese water torture~!<br />
    -etc.<br />
    Don't test me o-o<br />
    hahaha You are my bff minka! biggrin WE are a team till the end girl!<br />
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    holy shit I have Fans!:<br />
    -xx lil mistress xx heart <br />
    -Winter_king_jack heart <br />
    -BaconJesus heart <br />
    -poisonivy1215 heart <br />
    -PsychoPristess heart <br />
    -Korinthiana heart <br />
    -Captain Arcenex heart <br />
    -Dang Yew heart <br />
    -_Atra Zarroc_ heart <br />
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