• I walked outside and noticed it was a little chilly out, but I was too lazy to go get a jacket.The wind blew furiously, but it was beautiful outside. I paced slowly down my street, almost already to the beach, and tried my hardest to remember every detail of my dream last night. I was pretty sure that the person was a boy, but I didn't get to see his face. I was starting to become mad at myself for not remembering the whole nightmare, and huffed.

    I reached a stop sign and did what you were supossed to do. I looked both ways and found nothing coming, and walked ahead. Suddenley, I heard something coming, and froze. A car was coming straight for me. It wasn't just a car, either; it was a semi-truck. I gasped and wanted to run, but I was too shocked to even move.

    Then, on the corner of my eye, I saw a black blob form out of nowhere, and found somebody running towards me dressed in a black cloak.

    Just like the person from my dream, I thought.

    The boy(I think), sprinted and pushed me out of the way right before the truck was going to hit me.

    I lay there on the ground panting hard, trying to figure out if all of this was a dream.

    The boy lay on top of me from the fall, and spoke. "Are you alright?"

    I sat there, trying to look at his face, but his hood was covering it. I shook my head, and stared at him. "Y-You're the boy from my dream."

    The boy stood up and offered his hand.

    I accepted it. I stumbled a little bit, but regained my balance.

    "Did you say you had a dream about me?" he asked.

    I nodden, slowly.

    The boy stood there for a moment, then held out his right hand. Then, I saw the same thing I saw a moment ago. A black blob formed. It looked like a portal, but all you could see was black, black, and black...

    He took my hand. "Come with me."


    "Don't worry, just go through the portal with me, it's safe."

    I did as told and went throght the blob with him.