It was back, that overwhelming dread. It was suffocating, and horribly familiar. The faces surrounding her were not, although she knew them by heart. The fairly short brunette man and young woman- they were together. The two tall, blonde young men with intense blue eyes- brothers. A young artist, her grandfather, a wild boy, and complete and utter fear. The face of fear was one she knew well. Fear’s face was smeared with white paste and bright, horrible colors- those were not familiar, but the sharp blue eyes and wide, cruel smile were her nightmare. “I am your God,” Fear screamed, “I will destroy everyone and everything!” Her world reeled, and Terra Branford found herself tangled in her sheets and landing with a dull thud on her bedroom floor.
She sat up and, after scanning her room quickly, heaved a sigh. That nightmare had plagued her for as long as she could remember. It occurred at least twice a week. Terra glanced at her bedside clock. “4:45,” she murmured, “…should try to get more sleep.” The prospect of sleep was almost terrifying, but not the thought of her warm bed. She clambered in, only to have her rest disturbed forcefully what seemed like two seconds later.
A giggle sounded. “Still asleep?” Fear asked.
Cooley Fair
It all begins with a reoccurring nightmare. Past struggles, lives, hopes, and dreams. It is just the beginning to the reoccurrence of the second War of Magi.
All characters and settings belong to Square-Soft/Enix. These words are merely my own. (Final Fantasy VI)
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