• "Here" I said and gave Ikuto a scife. His eyes widened as he looked at me, then the scife, then me. "You can't go out there and fight with only your fists, you need at least some god power. This white scife has the power of snow, use it. You don't need to know how to use it, it'll work on it's own." He nodded his head. "Lets go" he said and opened the door for me, I smiled and walked out of my room, without looking back. We walked until we came into a room full of fire. Ruka's domain. I felt weak, I could barely breath. We walked on rocks that were coneccted to the magma below. The floor made of hot rocks hade big holes in it showing the lava. Ruka was right in the middle of all of it. "Welcome to my domain!" He said with a small bow. "I see you are here to fight me, well, lets start then" he aimed a punch at Ikuto, but the scife came up to block the attack. I pulled out my swords and charged at Ruka. He blocked it with his other hand, which held his sword. He repelled Ikuto away and focused his power on me. I felt fire and unbearable heat rise up on me. So, I grabbed his wrist, kicked him in the leg to make him lose blance and swung him over my head to a bone crushing slam to the floor. Some blue blood came out his mouth but he just got right back up. He slashed his sword out at me, it cut my upper arm, I had a huge long line running down my arm with gold blood coming out. Ikuto was just staring from across the room, but I knew why, fire spirits were tying him down. I put my swords away, and focused mainly on using my powers. "In every bit of air, there is water." I told myself. I began to gather the water in front of me and cooled it down to a freezing cold temperature. "Why don't you cool off?" I smiled and said to Ruka. Then I rushed all the water towards him. The presure was so much he fell back. "Without oxygen, there is no fire" I thought, and ran around him at superspeed. He doubled back on his knees and tried to conjure fire, but couldn't. I continued to run until Ruka was on the floor, out of breath. I looked down on him. He slashed out his sword at me. "Damn he recovers fast" I thought. Then, I noticed that the slash wasn't meant for me. I turned around to see a burst of fire flying towards Ikuto.

    next, Eternal Snow 15