- Jaymz) I heard Nyx scream. I rushed into her room. She had changed into a set of clothing and was now holding her head screaming. All of a sudden, she sopped and collapsed. She gasped and got up with amazing grace and speed. “Time to go,” she said. Without giving me time to ask, she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the den wall. She pressed a star on the wallpaper and the wall turned invisible. On the other side there was Nikkolai and 6 other men. “Dannazione! Ci hanno trovato! ” she pressed the star again, and voices spoke in rapid Italian. Nikkolai was being surrounded, pressed from all sides by the men. He was scared. He trurned to run, but they grabbed him by the hair. To my surprise, his hair came off and from his head fell long, golden hair. “Nikki...” Nyx whispered.The men grabbed Nikki's real hair. “Well, well, well, I wanna have fun with this one.” Nyx gasped and froze momentarily, then whispered to me, “Stay here.” She ran off into the other room. I tried to grab her, but she was gone. I watched as she grabbed the men and fought all seven of them. She helped Nikki up and led her into the Assassin's Suite. “Are you okay?” she asked. Nikki nodded. “Good.” Nyx walked away. As she passed me, I saw here eyes were glazed and unfocused, blind to this world. Before she had made it into the master bedroom, she collapsed. I ran to her. Her eyes were open and staring out into nothing. “Shane...” she whispered over and over again, “Shane.. Shane.. my valiant... my Shane...”

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