High School Flashback Arena SpotLight
- Be One With the Game by _Hot Mocha Cocoa_
- Field hockey seems to be the only thing that matters sometimes
- Some advise for u by Maltix 1
- Some advise for u
- Some advise again... by Maltix 1
- heres one of my advise that i got from my teacher
- This was all about my first day of highschool. I didn't expect it to be fun! It was the first time I transferred to a different school.
- My First Rosary by MIDNIGHTxCATWALK
- Stupidity at it's best in school
- Campfire in Auroru by yzzy_beth32
- This is only a small passage from a story I'm writing, it is mainly romantic, but it is about an animegas girl and her pack.
- scary shool by good_angel154
- scary things happening in my old school.
- what a day! by Wild_Flowwer
- Rawr
- That Test by Kasnoy Hyuga
- This describes a person who is desperate to get tthe answer on a test. He will not cheat or anything like so however.
- Nothing wrong by ericklange
- This is my pathetic attempt to prove to myself and everyone else out there that I never cheated. I know i didn't, i know im not a dirtbag, and i wish everyone else did too.
- good friend of mine by deaddddddddddddddddd
- the funniest thing to happen to me during homecoming (R.I.P Tatiana Maxine Mayers B.F.F. forever!)
- Bulletproof by Miss Kittty xo
- This is a story I have been working on about two years now. I recently hit a road block, and I figured maybe there are serious people out here who will read it and have good feedback and maybe get me going in the right directi...
- Sad Flashback by Servylia Wings
- A sad flashback of two highschool students who were best friends for eternity. Please read and comment!
- the dead ones whisper...... by METALHEADROY7
- dying
- Lovely Night Of The Dead by -Julia-JGirl-
- A women --who is now dead-- fell in love with a mystery man but went it went to a dream to a nightmare. HOPE YOU LIKE IT....Please Comment! I wanna see if I can make it better
- My Life Part 3 by Xx_BloodyDeath_Wish_xX
- Cont'd from Pt. 2
- My Life Part 4 by Xx_BloodyDeath_Wish_xX
- Cont'd from Pt. 3
- First trimester Freshman Year by microangel31
- This was my first trimester in my freshman year of highschool. ..Just read it. It's pretty self-explanatory. I hope you enjoy it! Sorry it's so long...I hope you'll read it anyway. Please rate and comment preferably with cr...