• So it was a perfectly normal Monday morning. I felt good about that week because the horrible art teacher went to Samoa for a week. Talk about lucky. Art was third period and when I went, this silly kid called M (using initials for privacy) and this other idiot called J started ganging up on me. I put up with it at first but at the end of the period I coundn't handle it. I was so glad to be out of the poxy dump.

    Then the next day came. I only just managed to survive from all that pressure that was put on me. I thougt I was going to die. Honestly. That lunch, my whole class said that I liked this terrible kid and I just screamed at them and I just simply blew my top. I had a go at one of the girls and punched her and when one of the guys came to apologise, I was in a terrible mood and slapped him really hard on the face and left a red mark. The class wrote an apology letter but my friend told them that I'm not going to forgive them. I don't forgive anyone just like that. I only let them off this time, I did not forgive them.

    Wednesday dawned and I so majorly didn't want to get out of the house. What made my day really bad was that art was first and I had been dreading this. J ganged up on me really bad and M started making racist remarks at me calling me a stupid Asian and then this ratty kid called A told J that I was a lesbian and J started calling me a lesi. I lost control and pulled J right off his chair and he pulled a muscle really bad and I got sent to counselling. On the way out of the class, I yelled at A, "I'm gonna get my brother to kill you," because he goes to the same sports club as me and my brother. I was in art for only fifteeen minutes when I went to counselling. I was so glad to be out of there. I stayed there for the rest of the hour and I was let off. (A hasn't come to sports this year. I wonder why.)

    Thursday was the worst and best in a way. J apologised and I only just managed to find the courage to forgive him. However M had more insults up his sleeve but I ignored pretty much all of them and when I went out, I gave his bag an almighty kick and it made me feel so good. No more insults from my class that day. In fact, they were nicer then they had ever been before.

    The last day of the week and it was such a struggle getting out of bed. I didn't want to go back to M's rude remarks. But luckily, the teacher that was here as a sub didn't let you talk to anyone that isn't on your table and I steered clear of M so I suppose I was OK that day.

    So that was the worst week of my life. I suffered serious mood issues and I attempted suicide at one point. But thanks to my buddies that always stick up for me, I started to get out of my anxiety. I'm fine now but this always happens at one point. Please, help others when they are getting bullied. And IF you are the one getting bullied, don't be afraid to tell someone. And ignore the remarks that go "You're that tell tale" or "Hey, don't tell on me you tell tale." Pay no heed to those lowlives telling you what to do or not to do. So let this stay with you: help those who are getting bullied and if you are the one getting bullied, tell someone and ignore the bad remarks. Your social security and safety comes first.