• i went up to my English teacher (guy) and hes really hot..
    don't get me wrong, i aint trying to hit on that teacher okay.? whee

    anyway, i went up to him to ask him iF i could get a quick drink by the cafeteria, and I accidentally said
    "Can I go take a shower..?" redface
    i was thinking of how im going to pull a prank on my sister....that time
    and that "shower" slipped out of my mouth instead of drink..!!

    i was so embarrassed because I think i said it too loud..bcuz the whole class was on the floor, crackin'g up like hell..!!
    my teacher was blushing too!!

    it was so embarrassing

    they all thought i was hitting on our teacher for some reason..


    the whole class wouldn't stop teasing me about it for a week..!!