• i was having a great day till lunch time, it was lunch and i was siting at my usual table with my usual friends when i looked at the guy i had a crush on then i saw my older sisters were talking to him so then i looked away then 2 minutes after he comes to me whale im talking with my other crush then he pulls me and my other crush away from the crowd and says "so youre sisters said you have a crush on me and a crush on this dude right here" he pointed to my other crush and i looked down and said "thats none of youre business conner" and then he said "my only question is howcome you didint tell or confess to either of us" i continued looking down and said "well i always confess and i always get rejected for my being so up and forward so i was waiting for one of you guys to confess" i said then looked up and the 2 guys looking right at me then both of them grabbed one of my arms and dragged me outside when we were outside then they started to get mad and ask me question i couldint give them the answers to then they both relaxed and both of them kissed me and then said "you'll have to pick witch of us you like best by the end of the day or we wont go out with you or ever talk to you again" then they both left and i was siting on the ground thinking then thot ill pick him i made up my mind but when i finally found him he was kissing another girl so i ran out of there and i havent spoken to either of them ever since