• Imagine this: it's your junior year in high school and it's October 31st, better known as Halloween. So far the year is going great. Your two best friends are dressed up as 2 out of the 5 Sailor Scouts. You're dressed up as Sailor Moon and your other friends and dressed up as tinkerbell, a maid and a witch (and your guy friend is dress up as a girl). You're waling and a random guy wrapped only in a small towel starts hitting on your friend..... the one that's a guy. You're guy friend starts running trying to avoid this weird towel guy. You and your group of friends finally outrun the towel guy. Everything is going great until about 6 o'clock when you have to go because you promised you would help out with the children's party, granted it is a bit chilly out. Your two best friends want to go back home to change, but you can't because you are already running late, so you decide to head over to the children's party with your other friends and tell your best friends you'll meet them up later. They get mad saying you're choosing to go with your worthless friends instead of them and an argument ensues. They go home and you go to the party. At the party your other fried is helping out and he loves tennis so he's always carrying a tennis ball with him. Until the festivities start he and the girl dressed as Tinkerbell are playing catch with the tennis ball. Suddenly someone calls heads and you look up and get hit in the eye with a tennis ball... yikes... trust me not the best day ever..

    Sadly the argument lead to never speaking again because I defended my other friends saying they aren't worthless. The good part however came my Senior year while I was driving my Lexus and one of the two girls saw me. She looked at me with her mouth wide open... then said "O &^%$ I missed out on that?!?!" while I yelled out "Not just the rides in the car, but my friendship, which is worth a lot more"