• As I lie on my bed, listening to my mother swear at me from the kitchen, I think about the adventurous, yet depressing events that just happened a few days ago. I planned to become Mr Incredible’s trusty sidekick and join him on his quest to save humans from evil villains, until he rejected me. A great sadness wells up inside me as I think about those times but I will keep on writing deciding if I should still be his number one fan.
    Once I found Mr Incredible and Bomb Voyage on the top of a tall building, I walked towards the superhero feeling determined, proud and most of all, confident that he would finally accept me as his associate. I proudly told him that I invented these super-advanced, flying rocket- boots. The superhero impatiently told me to fly home, without knowing how much he hurt me. Since Mr Incredible wouldn’t let me become his reliable assistant, I decided that I would prove to him that I was useful in some way. I quickly regained my confidence and determination and flew out of the building through the shattered window, searching for the police.
    As I flew out of the window with my flying rocket boots, Mr Incredible grabbed onto my “Incrediboy” cape. My rocket-boots lost control and flew everywhere. Terrified and confused, I screamed at him to let go but the hero continued to hold onto my cape. Suddenly, he loosened his grip and I plummeted towards the ground, landing in a park with a loud thump. The only thing I heard was a deafening sound from a distance. As soon as I regained my consciousness, I realised that I wasn’t at the park anymore. To my surprise, Mr Incredible was dragging me towards a police car.
    I made heaps of attempts to escape the hero’s powerful grip without any success. Mr Incredible ordered the two policemen to send me home. I tried to persuade him to let me become his assistant; however, I was rejected once more. While the policemen took me home, I felt miserable and gloomy. Anger and rage started to grow within me.
    From my encounter with Mr Incredible, I learned that superheros can’t be trusted. He built the light within me but all he did was destroy it, without even knowing. The events flashed through my mind once again, haunting me everywhere I went. My final decision is that I won’t stay as Mr Incredible’s loyal fan any longer. If I can’t work with him, I will work against him. From now on, I will dedicate my whole life to plan the revenge on my ex-idol. I will use my ingenuity to invent super-advanced weapons and take my revenge on Mr Incredible.