• "Something is seriously wrong with your head if you think i would ever go out with you!", those were the heart breaking words that i recieved from the sweet, Niki Gayle. My first and only love, crushed, discraced in front of my class mates and friends. Nobody taks to me anymore, or if they do, it is to mock me for my "smooth move". I don't think i did anything wrong, all i said to her was when i asked her out. What is wrong with me! Why am i such a loser! All i wanted was to treat her like the princess she deserves to be treated like. I wanted to bring her a rose each day, and be there for her when she's sad. Why wouldn't she like me? Is because i'm too ugly? Am i some kind of dork? What do i do wrong so that people look at me like that? My heart longs for her, and yet she still mocks me along with everyone else in my school. Do you know how i feel! I never did anything to deserve this! Why can't i just be like everyone else! No, nothing is ever going to change, i will always be a loser to her and everyone.