• I will admit, I had a fairly easy life growing up in High School. I grew up middle class, had parents that cared about me, and had a decent sized group of friends. I learned to draw, and developed more of an identity...

    Even so, many things changed when I entered High School. People began to show their true colors... People I thought I could trust betrayed me or only wanted me for one thing... Someone I thought I cared about became jealous because of my relationships, I went out with the boy he thought he loved... And a dear friend hated me because I wouldn't become his girlfriend... People I thought I cared about... Well, it's hard to say who really does care about you. Friendships break, relationships end, and time passes...

    If I had my way, I would go back to my Freshman year, before the drama started. before the backstabbing happened. Before the hatred began to flare. Before jealousy clouded out judgment.

    I only recently graduated, but I know one thing is for sure... if we do not learn from our mistakes, we will surely repeat them.