• Entry 3: Ok!WHO DRANK HERE!?

    Dang this is BEFORE both of the entries.Gosh.This was like in ending of 3rd or the beggining of 4th grade.Ok I know this isn't gonna be long(which would be good for you people) but I can assure it would be good.Now lets see.

    Ah!Ok it started like.LET ME JUST SKIP!At a tree mari found a bottle.No not an ordinary 'coke' bottle.A beer bottle.She shouted,"OK WHO DRANK HERE!?"

    That draged every one's attention.Well almost.Some went there to look at it.Some just kept playing.When the saw it they wanted to throw it.But I forgot so they left it there.

    Ok the bottle was rusty orange color.Inside was water and some grass.There was a little bit but we didn't took any chances to move it.

    Heck no.It might be just plaaain~ gross!And odd,weird.But still GROSS!

    So we left it alone.I just wondered what happened to it.But golly!It was weird.I mean it.

    It's better to leave a coke bottle(you know the glass kind),then a beer bottle(still a glass kind) on school grounds.Or in front or back.BAH!The main point is,that DO NOT LEAVE A BEER OR ANY DRUGS TO SCHOOL!ANYWHERE!

    You might be expelled.No worse.You might go to juvie.So yeah,a crazy mess eh?