• "Ashley im home"
    "hey hun welcome back"
    "this is the kinda welcome i expected when i got home that night but things didnt look so well for me that night, i came home early from an outta town buisness trip with my father in law when we decided to go to my home for a drink.
    when we walked through the it was already close to midnight so i figured that Ashley wouldnt be up, so i walked down the hallway and opened the door to find her laying in bed with another person and the worst part is it was a women, i just looked then they noticed me."
    "What are you doing home so early"
    "...What the hell is this ... i go outta town for a few days and come back to find you sleeping with another person."
    "Im sorry i went out for a few drinks and i was lonely"
    "Lonely.. we have a kid together and you cheat on me with a women... im outta here.
    the look on her fathers face was unbelievable he just left with me and let me stay at his home that night, it ended up being to much for me to bare and i couldnt sleep at all.
    The next morning i returned to my house to find her still there... that was it i had decided i was leaving and no one was gonna stop me.
    It's funny how i look back on that and can laugh,
    ive never been so heart broken...