• “Each night when I go to sleep I die
    And the next morning when I wake up I am reborn”
    -Mahatma Gandhi

    In life there are many goals and factors people deal with daily. I agree with Gandhi’s quote, where he compares each day he sleeps and wakes up to the cycles of death and life. In people’s lives from day to day people achieve and accomplish many things. Everyday people strive for more and different things. The changes of these things are so different that it can seem like one has been reborn into a new being. This comparison between the life cycle and sleep cycle are very similar in many aspects.

    In life from the moment of birth to death a person goes through many feelings, conditions and actions. When a people grow through the early years of life, they realize and discover their surroundings. Then they realize what their individual wants and needs are that are unique to each person. They grow up and stride closer to their goal for the rest of their life. When one is achieved, a higher one is made, till near the end of a person’s life, where they will rest eternally.

    However similarly sleep cycles that people go through in daily relate to life in many ways. In the beginning of our day, we awake from our placid and stationary rest and try to jump start our day off. As like life we have goals and determinations but they’re on a smaller scale. We spend our day trying to accomplish or make progress with goals, full of energy and determination. Near the end of our days our energy has been depleted and our minds exhausted. We enter a rest where our minds can relax and dream free and limitless for another day. With each new day, more different paths and views open up.