• You don't know what will happen until it happens and when something does happen you have to be prepared to deal with what happens or you face the consequences if there is any. s**t happens, life is full of mistakes and pain that's just the harsh truth of the life we live in. But even though life is full of pain it is also full of happiness you might not find it all the time or right away but it's there and if you can deal with the pain and move on then you will be rewarded with happiness.

    I live life how I want and I believe that nothing is impossible its just improbable but some things cant be avoided , everyone has there path but that path can be altered. You don't have one set path. You form your own future by the decisions you make now and then. What you do for yourself and the world will change your future and maybe those of others. Life is full of choices and decisions. When you die your time is up and that's that. You go to the spirit world where you are then reborn. Fate or Destiny , we live to die and die to live. Nothing is forever and you should always watch what you say and promise because you might always be able to keep the promises and what you say might change someone's future.

    People are all different. We may look the same but we all think differently, like different things, and enjoy doing different things. But one thing that will never change is the emotions we share and how we deal with them. We all experience anger, Sadness, happiness, grief, jealousy, Confusion, guilt hatred loneliness, and many others .We all express them in similar ways. When we are angry we want to kill someone because we are pissed off. When we are sad we sit around and do nothing. When we are happy we feel good and have fun .When we are grieving over a loss we cry and go crazy. When we are jealous we fear that something we love will be taken away from us. When we are Confused we don't know what to do and make bad decisions. When we are guilty we feel bad for doing something that we feel is against what we believe in. When we are Lonely we are sad for being alone and wish we had someone to call a friend or boyfriend/girlfriend. When we hate someone we want to kill that person or just torture them and make there life miserable. How we deal with these emotions will differ but how we feel will never change. Emotions can change the decisions you make. But emotions are bad they are a part of life and we deal with them all the time. The best emotion to feel is acceptance. Feeling accepted and having friends and family that are there for you and care about you but you can also accept the reality of the harsh world and when you do things will be easier to deal with. People may not agree with me about all this, but that's what makes us so special, people are different but they deserve the same rights.

    From what I have observed 98% of fights are because of Disrespect .This is another thing that changes all of us but still similar between all of us. We all hate Disrespect and people find different things disrespectful. When someone is disrespectful to me I might let it slide for a little bit but if they continue to be disrespectful then I think they deserve to be disrespected back And then a fight will occur. Fights are inevitable. Fights will always occur in life and there will always be good and bad people but all of us just do what we think is right. Like Yin yang., we co-exist with each other. There is light within darkness and darkness within light..

    We are all human and it's a tough world but we all have to toughen up and deal with it and we will be rewarded with happiness. People who cant handle the stress and pain make the worst decision possible and run away by taking their own life. The first part of becoming stronger and more complete as a person is to face the path ahead of you and put 100% effort into it. Never Give up because great things can be accomplished with Great determination. Great things can't happen instantly. Love something everyone wants to feel. I feel that everyone has someone out there for them but finding that person is the be the toughest part .People get angry because they cant find the right one because all their relationships they were cheated on. All that proves is that they weren't the right one and you have to keep on moving on with life until you find the right one. You can either wait for the right one to show up or you can go out and try to find them going through the pain of accidently finding the wrong person again the choice is yours.

    You have to live life to the fullest and whatever you decide is your decision. Only you can decide what to do if the words of someone else influences your decision or not is up to you.
    They say that friends come and go. but I like to say friends come and go but you will always have your best friends .Friends are there when you need them when your stressed and you cant handle something. Their closer then family. When your having family issues or something else is stressing you out you got your friends to help you. .Who you choose as your friends will influence the way you behave and deal with things only if you let it influence your decisions. But you have to know who your real friends are compared to your fake friends. Real friends will help you out and want the best for you when fake friends will talk about you behind your back and screw things up for you and don't even like to hangout with you. They just keep you there so they can keep messing with you.

    My friends are like my family I will take a bullet for everyone of them that's just me. Without friends and family I don't have a life. You have many influences on life if you choose to make those influences alter your decisions is up to you. Everything is up to you. Why are some choices harder to make then others? Maybe its because whatever you choose could change your future. What don't kill us will only make us stronger. When we go through pain we deal with it and afterwards it makes us stronger. Life is full of pain but it is also full of happiness we cant live without the other. They coexist sort of like light & dark We make a wrong decisions and then we deal with the consequences and then we get smarter not to do that again. Every person has a good and bad side. Depending on how they are raised and the influences in their life determines what they will be. People pray to god wishing for things but do you think that if you pray for something that it will instantly happen? For example you think if you pray for a lot money that it will just instant appear? No it wont just instantly appear but in the future you may get the chance to make a decisions which could lead to lots of money. No matter who they are people good or bad get the opportunity to get something they want.

    Everyone deserves Respect ,freedom and a space on this planet. Even Animals. The world is huge, but even so there are thousands of people and animals dieing. Humans and animals are the same. Both try to stay alive and live life the most comfortable way. We both have emotions and they effect what we do. Humans are all equal no matter what color, gender, or heritage. Animals should also get the same respect We are all life forms on this planet called earth and all have equal rights. I think even animals have the same rights as we do. Humans are not the only thing living and doing what they need to do to stay alive. The universe is huge we are just one planet in a gigantic universe. We all have blood flowing through our veins, a brain, nose, mouth, and all of us have emotions.