• My dad took us out to dinnner tonight so there must be something important he has to tell us. He told us, me and my geeky brother, to order what ever we want. Translation: This is something big!!
    He was never very good at explaining things he usually just stares at his food or the ceiling untill I start talking about how my day of school was and then midconversation, he just blurts it out. That's exactly what happened. "Kids, you remember Christy, the lady I found on an internet dating site thats lives in Illinois? Well.....I'm marrying her and we're moving to her house in Chicago." I glance at my brother who shrugs and continues eating, ofcourse, thats all he cares about, eating and video games. Speechless, mashed potatoes falling down my chin, without breathing I trip my way to the bathroom and cry sitting on the sink. I wanted to run back out and scream at him or be sarcastic and say something like, "Hey, could you kill me first?." But I should be happy for him, right?