• Town

    It barely took an hour to unpack. Robert was a speed demon and carried at least 5 boxes per trip. And setting everything up wasn't too bad either, I actually had a big bedroom. After that my mother and I said our goodbyes and parted ways. I was a tiny bit sad that I wouldn’t see her much anymore, I told her I would write her though and call her a lot. I could tell she was not going to have fun going home by herself.
    Robert and I walked up into my room for the last time. He fell over on my bed and yawned."Rachel you have too much junk. “He commented."Har Har Har" I snickered."Listen,So,Um,Since I doubt you remember much about this town, how bout' I give you a tour, my treat and we could maybe go get some lunch?" he asked."So a tour date huh?" I replied. He scoffed "Is it hard to just give me a yes or no?"I sighed "Alright fine, let me go tell The Old Man first." I took a deep breath and yelled from my room hoping he would hear me "Hey Ron?"."Yeah what do you need Rachel?" he yelled back up."Would you care if Robbie took me around town for a while?”There was a long pause."Of course, as long as you’re back by 6 pm sharp, I have a surprise for you”. II looked at Robert, then at the clock. Eleven fourteen, that’s more than enough time."Ready?" I asked him. He was already up swinging his truck keys around his finger."Last one downstairs is buying Lunch!" he yelled running towards the door."Yeah right Bear boy!" I said slipping through the door frame and his huge body."No fair twiggy!" he called behind me as I ran down the steps."Hold it Rach, I have to remind Dad I’m taking our Truck." he said. He walked into the kitchen and said something to his Father."Ok we're good to go Eskimo." he said pointing at the door.
    Walking to the truck I looked at Robert. I couldn’t believe how much he grew over the past eight years, he's only 16 but very big. We jumped in the truck and drove down the road."There’s the old Hardware store to our left." he pointed out."It’s closed down?"I asked."No, not permanently I mean, it has some renovating to do though. I stared at the old store while we drove by wondering what was wrong with it, it didn't look bad from the outside. Suddenly something sped in the woods and caught my eye. I gasped and looked."Robbie, d-did you see that?" I asked staring hard into the woods."Huh, nope why?" he replied."Never mind must have been a deer or something fast." I grumbled. I kept my eyes on the woods passing by wondering what could move so fast and disappear like that."Our next stop is in town."
    Robert drove me place to place and showed me to new people, and some people I remembered from when I lived here."Whew that was a fun tour him not a bad looking tour guide either right?" he winked."Yeah Alright Shmuck!"I laughed."Listen Rachel there’s a restaurant down the road, up for some grubb?" he asked. I sighed "Yeah alright fine."We pulled up in the parking lot and walked it. It was a country style restaurant, not to many people. We got seated and ordered our food."So Robbie, I was wondering about the school. You didn't drop out or anything right?" I asked. He laughed "No, No I’m still well educated, go ahead ask anything."
    "Do you think you could show me around Monday?"I asked."Yeah Sure, I'll pick you up early and show you around. “He said."So tell me, do they beat up new kids?" I commented. He chuckled "I doubt they would if you have Bear boy with ya'".I felt relieved, thank goodness I knew someone there or I would of been lost.
    Here’s your steak and fries sir, and here’s your country fry meal ma'm." the waitress said. Robert instantly dug into his meal, devouring it. He was definitely living up to his nickname now. While I nibbled at my meal I looked out the window. I stared to see a group of people cat walking, they looked about Robbie and I’s age. Two boys followed by Two girls."Robbie, who are they?" I mumbled.Robbie quickly wiped his face and looked back.He scoffed "Those people?Thats the Vera family, there some weird group of Italians who moved here about a year ago, they keep to their siblings and no one else, so those are the people you shouldn't bother with." he said. He grumbled something else like "Snooty Bunch" or something like that. One of the boys stopped and glared through the window at Robbie like he heard him. I got a good look at this guy. He looked as if he were from the masquerade era. His hair golden blond and neatly arranged off to the side. His eyes were an abnormally pale, almost white, shade of blue that seemed to burn holes into Robbies back. His skin was awfully pale for some reason. He suddenly turned and walked back with his family. I realized I held my breath. That guy looked unreal.
    I didn't finish my meal except for 2 big bites not to offend Robbie. I could stop thinking about that guy as we drove back to the house. Suddenly I glanced at the clock of his truck, Five Thirty. That was long no doubt. I yawned and put my head against the window. I was tired from the long car ride from Florida still. We sat in silence for a bit until we pulled up to the house."Hey Thanks Robbie."I said shutting the door. Robert quickly rolled down the window,"Hey Rachel tell my old man it’s time to go. “He said. I gave him a nod. I walked into the house…silent.”Hey Ron, are you in here?” I said as I walked into the kitchen. I stopped dead in my tracks. Ron was standing there with a big smile on his face. He was holding a cake and there was a bunch on presents on the table. My mouth dropped open. I could feel Robbie Standing behind me and I knew he had that big smuck smile on his face.”D-dad.. You didn’t have to-“.”Rachel, Welcome back!” He interrupted me. I looked over to see Robbies Dad smiling and nodding at me.
    After we ate some cake and ice-cream and I opened my presents I said goodbye to Robbie and His Dad, Thanked my dad and went upstairs with my presents. I stuck them on my bed and went to take a shower. I felt sleepy with the warm water running on my back. I got out and changed into some Pajama bottoms and a tank top. I threw my towel in my new hamper and grabbed my laptop. I put my presents on the floor now and snuggled into bed. I opened my laptop and went to google.I needed to know what animal could move so fast in this town.
    I researched for a whole 2 hours but the only result I got back was a mountain lion. It couldn’t have been though because it was way faster. Suddenly a crack of thunder off in the distant gave me a sign it would rain tonight. That was always good because I could sleep better with rain and thunder. I closed my laptop and laid down. My mind was focused on that fast object in the woods. I slowly drifted off into sleep..Wondering if I would find the answer…