• heart heart My Baby's Angel heart heart
    Written by: Briana Reed

    Dedicated to the mothers of past, present, and future. May all your lives be blessed by God and his angels.

    The sound of her heart beat made my heart swell with pride and love. She was magical. Healthy with all ten fingers and toes reaching out to explore this new world she had found. She was a god send. She had her father’s coloring, I noticed right away stroking the brown hair that was still damp on the head. She was my baby, a baby sent from an angel.

    She’s a toddler now, learning to walk and run. She loves to play games of all sorts and clings to me often. She’s a polite child with barley a tantrum and I often receive compliments for her. “What a sweet child,” They would say. I am truly blessed.

    What the mother didn’t know was that the truly blessed one was the baby girl she so doted on.

    The baby girl loved her mother with all her heart. Even now, as a young woman she remembers nothing but good things about her. When she would cry her mother’s arms cradled and soothed her. When she would do well her mother was the first one she wanted to see. Her mother was and to this day is her life. She was the rock that supported the girl all through her years growing up.

    Whether she knew it or not, her mother taught her about life, about love, and about finding your place in the world. Her mother wouldn’t change a thing about her and she couldn’t think of one thing she would change about her mother. Her mother was perfect just as she was; beautiful, kind, and loving with a touch of humor. She often remembered her mother telling her that her freckles were angel dust and they tasted like cinnamon. Then she would kiss and nibbled her nose making her laugh. Well wherever that angel was that sprinkled her nose with dust, she prayed to the same angel to bless her mother. Give her long life and happiness, bring her love, and spare her pain.

    And when her mother is old and dying of nothing but old age she will pray to that same angel and say, “Dearest Angel, give my prayer to God. Save a place for my mother in heaven. A place where she would no longer suffer, where she would be able to watch over me and take care of me from afar. Have her watch over my future children as they grow. I always want my mother beside me so I may know how to be just like her. I want to be loved by my children the way I love my mother. Dearest Angel, please give my prayer to the Lord.”

    The End