• It was a hot day in october. Right after church me and my sis wante to see our mom with exicitement in our eyes . When we had gotten there I sinced bad news was going tp come up. As I entered the room, I saw her and I cryed in shock just to see her lying there motionless....,. The last words she said was '' my girls , im so proud of my girls'',...I cried even harder. My sis wrote a poem and couldnt finish it. Then we all sung a song, praye, and then left... that folowing weekend, I was getting mi hair done at my godmas's house., My auntie Brends came and told my godma that she died.,. I wwas i shock ,.. like my heart had stopped beats or the air and all the motions around me had stopped.,. A tear fell down , gently rolling off mi cheek.,. I didnt get to say good bye or say I love u... to her.,. nothing in the sort execpt at the funeral sitting on the front roe, crying and watching as they closed her casket.,.I will never ever forget this moment...or ever forget her.........................