love broken but not forgotten
i woke to the sounds of bullets and cries of my allies i had my heavy bolter in hand i got to my feat although a bit dazed i shouted "FORWARD MY BROTHERS AND FEAR NOT PAIN NOR DEATH!!!!!" and as i marched into battle i could see the disgusting green skinned orks firing there crude weapons as i unleashed death upon them i could hear a voice in my head i thought to myself "is that...no it cant be..." but i then noticed that i was the only one left and that the ork warboss was waiting to kill me as i thought would b my last day i felt a short rumble in the ground and i looked behind me and it was a dreadnaught i he said in a low deap metalic voice "fear not brother your duty is not yet done" and i saw as he unleashed his rain of bullets as the orks fell number by number group by group as he was about to kill the warboss i said "no..hes mine" i pulled out my spear with its survival knife like blade on the end gleaming in the sunlight i shouted "U HVE KILLED FAR TO MANY LIVES TO BE FORGIVEN U HVE DESTROYED MY HOME MY ALLIES MY FAMILY AND NOW...I WILL DESTROY YOUR LIFE!!!" and with that word i plunged my blade into his skull and said "may the emporer hve mercy on your soul" and in killing him i turned to thank the dreadnaught for his deads but he was not there so i started walking back to base but as i walked along i saw a fellow grey knight with a bullet wound in his chest he was barely alive i could feal his pain and i said to him "you hve fought well for the emporer my brother may your soul rest peacefully in valhalla...good luck my brother" and with that i saw as my fello grey knight died although sad for the loss of a friend i heard the voice again an i said to myself "crystal is...is that you" and i turned around and i saw her running towards me when she came up to me she hugged my and i held her gently in my heavily armored body i said "im glad you are alright baby i thought i lost you in that balst i woke up dazed and in the middle of a battle are you hurt?" she said "yes my leg i think its injured" so as i put my gun on my back i said "here i shall carry you" so i picked her up and i continued on my way a few ours later as the sky grew grey i said "today is a sad day for the grey knights the sky rains with there tears of pain" she said "hey would u do anything for me" i said" yes of course i would take a bullet for you" she said "do you love me more than anything and everything?" and i said "yes i do i love you more than anything in the world" and with that i took off my helmet and gave her a kiss and said "you should get some rest it will be a while before we reach the base" and soon enough she was asleep as i wandered around in the rain my armor kept her dry i soon noticed a lone apothecary coming towards me when he aproached me i said "hail brother lenux i am i need of some assistance" so as he attended to crystals wounds i said "ty brother i must head back to base ty for your medical assistance" he responded "no problem i will gladly help anyone who is in need" and so with that word we went our separate ways a few ours later it grew dark but i had reached the base i said "thank the emporer we are here" and so i entered the chapel of sanguine and brought her to the medical bay and said to her as i took off my helmet "ill be here with you all night i will never leave you" i gave her a long kiss and said "i luv you" so as the apothecaries tended to her leg i soon fell asleep i woke up late in the afternoon the next day to see that crystals leg had fully recovered and that she was walking fine now she said "hey baby your awake im glad i found you after the battle i thought i had lost you" i said "i will always be there for you and i will never leave you" i gave her a kiss and suddenly the alarm went off and i saw a few fellow grey knights running by i grabbed one by the arm and shouted over all the noise "WHATS HAPPENING WHATS WRONG" he shouted back "THERE ARE ORKS OUTSIDE THE BASE AND THEY HVE A SQUIGOTH WITH THEM" and as he ran off to battle i said to crystal "comeon i need to get you out of here" so i picked her up and ran outside with the fog in my eyes i could see the squigoth loom out of the grey fog followed by tanks dreadnaughts and marines flung into the air like dirt i could hear there cries of pain i ran towards a bunker and opened up the door there was an under ground tunnel door i bashed it open and ran inside i kept running until i met another door i bashed it open and i saw tanks and marines on fire i saw a few grey knights and some space marines fighting of the orks i said "PURGE THE UNCLEAN BROTHERS ATTACK FROM THE SKIES!!!!" and as i held crystal with one hand i pulled out my heavy bolter and unleashed hell upon the orks as i mowed them down i could see crystal holding me tightly i placed her behind the barricade and said "stay here i will be back" and with that i gripped my heavy bolter with both hands and fired at the orks once my gun had no ammo left i pulled out my spear and sliced through the orks i hacked and chopped them down but then i heard crystal scream "LOOK OUT!!!" then...boom i was falling bak slowly i had been shot in the head every thing was muffled as i hit the ground slowly and hard i could see the horrified look on crystals face and i said "baby i *coughs up blood* i...im so so sorry i wasnt able to protect you...and like i said i would take a bullet for you" and with that i took of my helmet and gave her a long kiss goodbye and with my last dieing breath i said with tears in my eyes "i luv u and im sorry" then died...
love broken but not forgotten
this is another story about the grey knight hope u like it
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