• i wake up everyday to a broken home
    i can't take it,it hurts
    we don't talk and if we do we fight
    i cry and feel so alone
    you walk around like a ghost
    my brothers left me here alone,with you,
    he make them leave,HE beat you,
    but still you keep running toward,
    i don't understand or maybe i'm missing something,
    but still you still tell me won't,that you'll leave him,
    but it's a lie,why do you lie to me...
    i know the truth,but i guess we both have our secrets,
    mine you'll never know,
    but i can promise you one thing,
    once i get out of here,
    the place you call a hom,
    i'm running and never looking back,
    because i wake up crying,
    and go to sleep crying,
    and all the happiness i've felt,
    doesn't even come close to all the
    sadness i feel,and the dread,
    i'm done trying to fix everything,
    why should i give a damn when you don't...