• The emo/scene/goth society. ppl have given these societies mixed and confused reviews that are either true, untrue, or hurtful. and with so many comments on them, what should you believe? well lets see if this clears things up a bit.

    Emo: An emo is a very emotional person, but not necessarily goth. an emo person is said to cut him/herself, but that really is a major steriotype. the real emo does not cut him/herself and only a wannabe would do that, frankly. Either a wannabe or someone who really had a reason. And even if you do cut yourself it doesn't mean your emo. Lots of people do. Gangsters, Goths, Ghettos, you name it. But to my opinion, emo is more about the personality than the fashion.

    Goth: Now a goth is more of a darker person but not neccesarily in personality. We might all think of a goth being depressing and dark-souled. But goth is more of a sense of fashion. Even the whole black lipstick and completely black entire isn't very steriotypical. Its steriotypical if you try to act gothic and not be yourself. So with goths, I think it's more of a fashion trend.

    Scene: Scene is very colorful and alot less complicated. Scene also has a big influence on fashion with the big bows and scene hair styles. But I think scene can also refer to your personality, too. Some people might think scenes are majorly out-going with the whole "make a scene" thing. That I find steriotypical because I see scenes as insecure. The "make a scene" part comes in as having a big personalityon the inside but hiding it with insecurities. So scenes can be both about the fashion and personality.