• I'm being watched. I don't know by who, but i know im being watched. I can feel their eyes flaring at me from there they are hidden. They are watching my every move. I don't know why somebody would want to stalk me. Are they trying to kill me? If i tell someone will they get hurt? No. I have to keep it a secret. I look outside my door trying to see my stalker's face. I can't see them. I better turn away before the person realizes im staring at them. I wait a few seconds before i look again, and when i do i see that they are gone. I slowly open my door to check around my house and i am confronted by a girl who is staring at me with the same eyes as the stalker. She slowly opens her mouth to speak. She says "I was watching you in your window and you look hungry. Would you like some Girl Scout Cookies?"
    -The End xp