• Picture this in your head...

    A little girl is sitting in outer space.
    Alone, on the moon, in the dark, with no one, and nothing to comfort her.
    And one day, a little star lit up.
    This star lit up the entire outer space for the little girl sitting on the moon.
    She treasured this star like it was a piece of her heart.
    Until the girl sitting on the moon made one little mistake,
    the star instantly disappeared. Poof... Gone.
    The girl felt so alone, and so empty.
    She just wanted to die.
    She prayed and hoped every second that, one day,
    that star would forgive her and come back...

    Well, the little girl who was sitting on the moon got lucky.
    The star she once saw many many months ago, came back.
    The star had come back to take her,
    and tell her that earlier on,
    when the star had left,
    it was just trying to teach her a lesson.
    And the little star was really just a little boy trying to make the girl happy in the 1st place.
    So the little boy sat on the moon along with the little girl forever.
    They sat there and talked, forever and ever.
    They adored eachother, they loved eachother so much that one day,
    they held hands, and when the time came,
    they died together.

    The little boy - panda12341 aka J
    The little girl - DAKRSIDER_tully aka me aka tully.
    Thank you so much for reading!

    This was written in March 2010.