• Ryan drove into a drive-in-movie. Oni was looking everywhere, "Um, where are we?" Ryan chuckled while he turned off the car, "At a movie."
    "So we are going in?"
    "No, the movie is right there. So we can sit in the car and relax. If you get cold, just tell me."
    Oni sighed, but it bugged Ryan, "What?"
    "I was just a loser at lunch today and you come over and say that you like me. And now you take me to a movie when I would be sitting at my house watching my little brother play his game.. What is the catch in this?"
    Ryan was stammering, "N-Nothing. I really like you. And to get to know you better, I put my charms to work. I told my sister that I liked you and there was nothing she could do. I don't care if she yells at me because I like you.."
    "There's a catch." Oni said, starting to get out. Once the door opened, Ryan shut it quickly. Oni turned around and was face to face with Ryan. She was so close she could see the grays in his eyes. Ryan whispered quietly, "Don't leave me, Oni..." She felt his warm breath on her cheek. She noticed that it smelled like mint. She back up a bit to see his face, "You thought you were gonna kiss me tonight."
    Ryan panicked, "Wh-wh-what?"
    "Your breath.. It's mint."
    "Yea, I want to kiss you. Is that so bad...?"
    They were on their sides of the door and she looked to the front, facing the movie. Ryan barely heard Oni mumble, "I don't know.."


    Ryan drove Oni home around midnight and walked her up to her doorstep. Ryan was rubbing the back of his head like he was nervous. He held out his hand for Oni to shake, "Heh, good night."
    Oni looked at the hand and then at him, "What's this?"
    "Oh, you have to shake it."
    "I know what to do. I'm not dumb." She set his hand down and hugged him. He felt warm, just like his breath. He hugged her back and they hugged each other until they heard the door open. Once the door was opened, they looked like they haven't hugged. Oni smiled when she saw it was her mom. "I'll be in in a second mom." She looked at Ryan and shook his hand, "Goodnight, Ryan."
    "Goodnight, cutie."
    "As in cute."
    "Again, not dumb."
    "Oh no you're not. Heh, see you tomorrow."
    When Oni closed the door, she sighed happily and kissed her mom on the cheek, "Goodnight, mother." Oni saw her brother come down the stairs, "Goodnight, ugly."
    She saw her brother glare at her, "Goodnight, fatty."
    "Quit talking about yourself."


    When Oni walked in the school, she saw Ryan at her locker, "Oh, so now you are stalking me?"
    "What? Can't I follow a girl I like?"
    "Ryan, you are making it sound like we are together."
    "We should."
    "I always thought it was the girls that were desperate."
    "Haha, funny. But, Oni. Will you go out with me?"
    "Hmm.. Sure."
    "Why not. You now have the honor of being my first boyfriend."
    "Come on, I'm not the first."
    "Whatever you say."
    "I am?"
    "So you have never kissed before?"
    "Nope," Oni said quietly. Ryan grabbed her and pulled her close, "Do you know how to kiss?"
    "I can teach you," Ryan purred. Oni asked quietly, "How?"
    "I can find a way." Oni feel all numb inside. The moment went gone when a teacher came up to them, push them away a few distance and said, "Too close. Save it for outside of school. You know the rules, Ryan and... Oni?"
    "Yea, I can get a boyfriend."
    "Haha, okay, but follow the rules. Don't let Mr. Charming here change you."

    To be Continued