• The memories of you,
    Tear me to bits,
    As I sit in on the couch,
    Looking at old photos,
    Of when me and you were happy,

    I take a lighter,
    And hold it under the picture in my hand,
    And with one flick,
    A flame comes out,
    And the picture is lit,

    Burning…slowly fading from my hands,
    Even though the memories of you are still there,
    I try to get rid of all the evidence of you,

    But those burning memories of you get in my way,
    Ruining all the fun I used to have from day to day,

    Burning all the pictures of you and me,
    I throw the ashes into the fire,
    The smoke of the fire rising higher and higher into the chimney,

    The memories of you take hold,
    Choking me with all of the emotion,
    You used to be my one and only,
    My true devotion,

    The burning memories of you still taunt me,
    Even though it doesn’t seem,
    The burning memories of you,
    Still feels like a dream,
    That I want to wake from,
    But can’t wake up from the reality of it all,
    That all those burning memories,
    Were really there,
    And existed.