• I’m here in my room now,
    Listening to the enchanted piano songs that my mother play
    And to the soft, quiet raindrops on the roof.
    Everything seems so peaceful.

    If my sister would stop talking on the phone,
    She, too, will enjoy the sound of wonder
    And the tranquility that surrounds us.
    But I knew that in today’s advance technology,
    No one could ever hear or enjoy the peaceful life.
    The life we used to have.

    Even now, a telephone call cuts it down to silence.
    A silence that could not be saved
    By the sounds of raindrops or piano songs.
    But I care not for the silence that stops the peaceful moment.
    For there’s more noise that I should listen to now.

    The siren of the ambulance taking an injured being to safety.
    It seems to me that the vehicle is trying to save
    The injured tranquility that I once knew.

    When everything was silent again,
    I thought the world was giving prayers & worries
    To the simple life we once had.
    I, too, was worried that I might lose that simplicity right now.

    Then I hear the beautiful watery song from my mother’s piano
    And I knew that everything will be O.K.
    For no matter what the ‘machine’ tried to do to us,
    I knew now that Simple Tranquility will creep back in,
    Letting us remember & enjoy what we used to be.